16 Dec 2020 Blogpost Oceans & Seas

PARTICIPATE: GPML Digital Platform Survey

GPML Digital Platform

Towards a digital multi-stakeholder platform for marine litter and microplastics


Participate in our survey

In preparation for further development of the GPML Digital Platform, with Phase 1 scheduled for launch in February 2021, we invite you to participate in a survey to help better understand your needs and challenges.

The survey will capture your inputs which will be used to guide the shaping of the platform. Additionally, the survey provides a space for those interested in becoming more involved to collaborate on the development of the GPML Digital Platform as strategic, data, knowledge and technology partners.

We look forward to receiving your feedback via the survey until 11 January 2021

We will organize a series of interactive User Consultations with the platform’s stakeholders, from January 2021. Users Consultation sessions are planned for each stakeholder group identified (including governments, major stakeholders’ groups, private sector and more) to understand the needs of future users of the GPML Digital Platform through brainstorming activities and will also serve as an opportunity for collaboration on the platform’s development.